From Chairman
Masafumi Shukuri
The Shinkansen first appeared in Japan in 1964 more than half a century ago before the rapid development of automobiles and aircraft. At the time, it opened the way for new “high-speed rail” to replace railways around the world, which had become increasingly obsolete for serving as the main transportation system connecting major cities. Subsequently, the development of high-speed rail has become a global trend and is, without a doubt, a “game changer.”
Ever since, the Shinkansen’s perfect combination of the Crash Avoidance principle and total system approach has continued to realize high-speed, high-volume and high-frequency transport with world-class safety and reliability.
As the trajectory and results of development of Japan’s Shinkansen and Taiwan High-Speed Rail, which began operating in 2007, have shown, the Shinkansen is not merely a high-speed transportation system. It is also a social system possessing the power to transform economies, societies and people’s lifestyles as well as significantly reshape countries and regions.
With high-speed rail developing in Europe and Asia and new projects planned in many countries around the world, the International High-Speed Rail Association (IHRA) was established in April 2014 in part to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Tokaido Shinkansen.
IHRA is neither a government institution nor a company seeking to procure project orders. It is a global organization grounded in the philosophy of promoting the common good, and one that takes account of the Crash Avoidance principle and total system approach, and aims to contribute to the further development of high-speed rail around the world by promoting international cooperation that includes sharing information, knowledge and experience with countries, which aspire to have a safe high-speed rail system, while, at the same time, adapting such expertise to the actual circumstances in each region and country.
From Vice Chairman
Joseph P. Schmelzeis. Jr.
I am honored to be assuming the position of Vice Chairman of IHRA. Although I do not have a railroad background, I have been a witness to the transformative effects of high-speed rail for most of my life. High-speed rail makes a big difference!
The growth in economic activity as global population passes the eight billion mark further accentuates the need for enhanced transportation infrastructure in societies across the world. High speed rail is uniquely positioned to deliver safe, reliable, fast and frequent transit, especially when employing a total system approach based on the principle of “crash avoidance" such as Shinkansen. IHRA is committed to facilitating the implementation of such an approach globally.
IHRA provides resources and venues to enable sharing of information, experiences, and best practices among those who seek to keep abreast of the latest developments in high-speed rail. Through online and in-person interaction among principals, participants gain first-hand knowledge and insights they can adapt and apply to their own societies in consideration of local stakeholder needs.
We support your efforts and welcome your active participation in IHRA.
I look forward to meeting you!